99 coworking space owners answered an online questionnaire about size, location, users’ profile, business model, interaction with other actors or specialization of their coworking spaces. The data collected gives a picture of the situation in five countries or regions in the north of the Mediterranean. This is the first quantitative study dedicated to coworking in this area.
Among the respondents, 81% are located in an urban or metropolitan area and 67% are private companies. The PACA region in France has the highest proportion of associative coworking spaces. Coworking space owners consider that they have a low or medium level of interactions with external actors or institutions, mainly with business incubators and local authorities. One third of coworking spaces belong to a national or a transnational platform.
Additional qualitative analyses will be released by national and regional partners on economic, social and territorial issues related to coworking. The consolidated results will be a basis for the policy guidelines addressed to European and local decision-makers in order to raise awareness about the benefits of coworking and impulse experimentation in Mediterranean territories and cities.
For more information about CoworkMED project https://coworkmed.interreg-med.eu/mt/
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