Results of the 2nd call for proposals

In total, 147 application were submitted for the second call for Modular projects: 96 for single module projects and 51 for integrated projects.

The total ERDF and IPA allocation for this call is around 67,6M€.

All Lead Partners will shortly receive their notification letter by post. Instruction forms and notification letters will be available on Synergie CTE.

The Lead Partners of approved projects are invited to participate in a Seminar which will take place in Marseille on 22nd February 2018. 

During this one-day seminar, the JS will exchange with the Lead Partners and present the required steps to start and implement their projects. This meeting will also be the occasion for the new projects to meet and exchange with their related Horizontal project.

The Integrated projects Lead Partners are also invited to participate in bilateral meetings with the JS. They will be contacted directly by their project officers to organise the meeting. 

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