ResponSEAble youth film competition

The ResponSEAble project has been launched under the Horizon 2020 framework and intends to enhance the protection of the ocean by “supporting the development of cost-effective ocean literacy in Europe“. In other words, their purpose is to generate debate around human-ocean relationships to highlight ocean protection as a common interest. 

With this in mind, they have opened a youth video competition called “Turning the tide”, and are looking for creative short films about how to make tourism more sustainable.
The deadline for entries has been extended to February 5th, 2018, after this, a shortlist of potential winners will be put to the public’s vote. 

We encourage you to spread this news, as it is an innovative action promoting several of our thematics while sensitizing european youth to this environmental challenge. 

More information can be found on the ResponSEAble website and on their social media.

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