(Rome, 4 June 2019) “Inspiring other regions and project managers across Europe” is the aim of the REGIOSTARS awards, for which LOCATIONS, a project of the MED Urban Transports Community is a candidate. Handed out by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy, the REGIOSTARS are awarded to EU-funded projects working towards regional development, identifying good practices in this matter.
The LOCATIONS project is working to increase the economic benefits that cruise tourism brings to the Mediterranean region’s many coastal communities while reducing the negative impact it has on urban mobility and the environment. It involves several countries of Europe: Croatia, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. It is a candidate to the REGIOSTARS AWARDS in the fourth category of urban development “building climate-resilient cities”.
LOCATIONS project will contribute to decongest cruise destinations traffic and to decrease greenhouse gases emissions in targeted territories through a larger use of innovative sustainable transport solutions, thus improving the overall quality of life of both citizens and passengers and increasing port attractiveness far cruise ships and cruise liners. Indeed, Mediterranean cruise destination cities are faced with two conflicting needs: boosting cruise-related profits and other positive externalities, while mitigating the negative impacts exerted on cruise destinations, that affect their natural environment and urban mobility, triggering sometimes significant multifold repercussions on cultural heritage and local communities.
LOCATIONS merges highly relevant scientific know-how, technical skills and expertise, institutional capacity and extensive knowledge of local and sector specific contexts. The project’s partners jointly develop a standardized, transnational, easily replicable operational model, capable of valorizing each territory’s expertise. 7 port cities are involved in the project: Lisbon, Malaga, Ravenna, Trieste, Rijeka, Zadar, and Durrës.
The project features the elaboration process of local sustainable mobility and transport tools to respond to sustainable connections needs between city and port. Local low carbon transport plans, gathering tailored measures to improve sustainable mobility of people and goods related to cruise flows are integrated in local regulatory frameworks to further increase cruise cities attractiveness and sustainability.
At the moment, LOCATIONS is ranked among the top 10 of public choice of the REGIOSTARS Awards. You can learn more on the project here and support it here with a vote. Your vote will be added to the public choice, which will be presented at the awards ceremony in October.
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