Originating from a proposal by French President Emmanuel Macron, introduced in his “Letter to the Europeans for a European Renaissance” in March 2019, this project has been taken up by the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission, which have committed to listen to Europeans and to follow up, within their spheres of competence, on the recommendations made. Its political launch will take place on 9th May 2021 in Strasbourg. Debates and citizens’ panels will be organised in the coming months with political conclusions expected in spring 2022.
The conference is based on a multilingual digital platform. This tool allows to collect direct contributions from all European citizens on various themes: health, education, digital transformation, economy, migration, etc. The platform also proposes to attend events on the proposed themes or even to create one near your home.
If you want to participate in this major democratic exercise, we invite you to do so!
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