The MPA Engage project makes available 6 new protocols for monitoring the effects of climate change on the marine biota. These tools add to the former five protocols developed by the MPA Adapt project.
Adopting these protocols, allow MPAs to join to a common and consolidated strategy to track climate change effects in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas. This will improve, complement or extend the ongoing monitoring initiatives in the different Mediterranean countries. The resulting outputs are key information to support mitigation strategies and effective adaptation plans. Check our protocols, Join our monitoring network!
Find here the new protocols:
Check here the Protocol 6- LEK 3 mass mortalities.
Check here the Protocol 7- POFA Posidonia oceanica fast assessment.
Check here the Protocol 8- Fast Assessment of Pinna nobilis conservation.
Check here the Protocol 9- URCH Sea urchin populations.
Check here the Protocol 10- BARD Benthic species rapid detection.
Check here the Protocol 11- SFM Photogrammetry as monitoring tool for benthic habitat structure and dynamics.
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