New call opening soon!

The budget allocation for this call is approximately 30M€ (ERDF + IPA).

Three objectives and topics will be open:

  • Objective 1 – Blue Growth: focusing on maritime clusters;
  • Objective 3.1 – Sustainable Tourism: focusing on insularity and low density areas;
  • Objective 3.2 – Biodiversity protection: focusing on Marine Protected Areas.

Only one type of projects will be allowed: the multi-module M2+M3 (replicability, transfer, capitalisation, mainstream). For more details regarding this type of projects, please check the Programme Manual.

Project budgets will vary between 2,5M€ and 4M€.

The application process will be conducted in two phases: only the projects that will pass the 1st phase will be entitled to go to the second one (estimated calendar: May-June 2019). The projects are expected to start their activity by November 2019.

The publication of the Terms of Reference is foreseen after mid-October.

The Joint Secretariat will hold an application seminar in late November, in Marseilles. More details will be released after the Monitoring committee’s final decisions in October.

Please note some changes may still occur, particularly regarding dates and budget details.

Check our website regularly to keep abreast.

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