NECSTouR, on behalf of the INTERREG MED Sustainable Tourism Community, is looking for specialised consultants with whom to subcontract the mission of elaborating a “HANDBOOK ON HOW TO USE EU RECOVERY PLANS & ERDF REGIONAL FUNDS FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF TOURISM IN THE MEDITERRANEAN”.
Issue date: 16th of September 2021
Closing date: 11th of October 2021
The goal is to provide the community with a deep overview of the opportunities to finance sustainable tourism measures, invest in the tourism of tomorrow (green, digital, social, resilience) through both the ERDF and the national recovery and resilience plans in the countries eligible to the MED programme (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece and Cyprus). An experienced consultant (self-employed individual or company) specialised in Sustainable Tourism Policy is needed to deliver the handbook. The bidder will present a methodological proposal, containing the stages of work to carry out this mission, as well as a schedule of tasks (with timing of the elements to be delivered and the planned meetings and work sessions).
For more details, please refer to the Terms of Reference.
The content of this handbook will substantially support the Sustainable Tourism partners and community work to be ready when the calls for projects will be launched in 2022 to maximise the use of our community ensuring capitalisation, mainstreaming, and longer-term funding securing.
Applications must be submitted no later than Monday the 11th of October at 12.00 CET to thomas.guillot@ necstour.eu
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