European Development Agency, s.r.o. arranged a study internship for students of secondary
vocational school from Poland. The internship took place from the end of April till the beginning of
May 2018 for a period of three weeks, which was mainly focused on practical training. This mobility
was carried out within the "Eurostażysta", within the Operational Programme Knowledge Education
Development, funded by the Operational Program for Knowledge Education Development (PO WER
2014-2020), which is in line with the Erasmus + rules.
16 students from the 3rd year of the school Zespól Szkól Technicznych from the town Suwalki took
part in the internship, accompanied by two teachers. The students were from the fields of
construction, electrical engineering, and renewable energy sources. During the internship, they were
in two of Prague's secondary schools, SPŠE V úžlabině and SPŠ stavební Josefa Gočára.
For the participants of the internship, a very interesting program was prepared, where besides day to
day lessons, leisure activities were also included. As a tour of Prague with a Polish guide and a trip to
Kutná Hora also with a Polish guide. During this trip, students had the opportunity not only to visit
the Constance and St. Barbara's Church, but also to explore the historic city.
Due to the excellent organization of the European Development Agency, the students have gained
many valuable experiences, as many students have been living abroad for the first time, where they
have come into contact with a foreign language, culture and the environment of a large city.
Students enjoyed their classes and their stay in Prague.
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