Meet the new projects of the Sustainable Tourism Community

The Sustainable Tourism Community has been welcoming 6 new transferring projects last June 2021. They are transferring the results of previous projects. The new modular projects are the following: ALTER ECO PLUS, BlueMed PLUS, COASTING PLUS, ConsumeLess Plus, EMbleMatic Plus, TOURISMED PLUS.

ALTER ECO PLUS is aiming at underpinning mainstreaming processes of the Carrying Capacity Limit calculation tool to improve tourism policies and strategies in MED territories. It builds upon the ALTER ECO project, which aimed at enhancing the local sustainable development of tourism by promoting Mediterranean Identity through the implementation of alternative tourist strategies in 6 pilots co-designed and implemented by public and private stakeholders.

BlueMed PLUS targets the capitalization by transferring to new Med territories the BlueMed multidisciplinary model for sustainable and responsible coastal tourism development. It builds upon the BlueMed project, which aimed at supporting competent government authorities develop strategies, plans and policies for local coastal and island economies of the Mediterranean region in adopting a sustainable and responsible model for tourism development.

COASTING PLUS aims at transferring the Coastal Integrated governance for sustainable tourism. It builds upon the results of the COASTING project, which aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of a multilevel governance tool like Coast Contract (Contrat de Baie), transferring a shared methodology mostly centred on the stakeholders’ involvement, and focusing tools and actions more deeply on the tourism sector sustainability and qualification.

ConsumeLess PLUS aims at building a model for resilient destinations toward tourism recovery. It builds upon the ConsumeLess project, which aimed at developing integrated sustainable energy, water and waste management strategies and promoting sustainable tourism models in Mediterranean cities.

EMbleMatic PLUS aims at transferring and disseminating the values of sustainable tourism carried by the network of emblematic mountains of the Mediterranean hinterland through the process of developing eco-itineraries set up as part of the EMbleMatiC project, which aimed at creating and testing a new form and offer of sustainable tourism, located in the hinterland coastal area, based on the identarian singularities of 9 mountains from the Emblematic Mediterranean Mountains (EMM) network.

TOURISMED PLUS aims at multiplying and mainstreaming at MED level a fishing Tourism Model, tested by the TOURISMED project on which it is built, and which aimed at testing and transferring a fishing tourism business model in the coastal territories of Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Albania, France and Spain as a way to promote a sustainable approach to tourism, while fostering the preservation of the marine ecosystem and the traditional fishing culture of the MED region. 

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