LOCATIONS at the 5th European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

This leading conference in Nicosia is conceived as a forum for policy makers and academics across Europe to network, debate key issues and exchange ideas on sustainable urban mobility planning.  In line with the European Commission having dedicated the year 2018 to the promotion of multimodality, the theme of this year’s conference will be multimodality, with a focus on the integration of transport modes and combined mobility solutions for passengers and freight in cities and regions. European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc will address the opening plenary session.

Luca Mercatelli (Area Science Park– Trieste) will contribute to the debate with his presentation “Locations: disseminating low-carbon solutions for cruise destination cities”.

While completing the first phase of the project (testing), Locations has developed low-carbon transport plans (LCTPs) for cruise-related passengers and freight flows in 7 cruise destination cities (Trieste and Ravenna in Italy; Malaga in Spain; Lisbon in Portugal; Rijeka and Zadar in Croatia; Durres in Albania).

Now Locations partners are ready to disseminate approach and solutions across the MED area. Replicating port cities are being selected to develop their LCTPs with support and resources from Locations technical partners.

The experience accrued with the 7 original cruise destination cities is valorized through a set of 21 modular packages, offering a detailed outline of the low-carbon solutions developed in the port cities, which can be used as building elements for the new plans.


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