The current Mediterranean Diet Course is part of the MD.net project and aims to develop a common vision regarding the Mediterranean Diet in the society.
The objectives of the course are:
- Developing a common vision regarding the different dimensions of the Mediterranean Diet;
- Creating and strengthening the linkages between the Mediterranean Communities;
- Sharing knowledge, techniques, identity and traditions;
- Fostering SMEs innovation and creativity, through the development and/or improvement of their professional skills
The course is structured in three different, however complementary, modules:
Module 1: Natural and Cultural Landscapes. The current module would approach some historical background, highlighting the strong linkage of Mediterranean Diet to agriculture, and the contribution of past and present civilizations to the concept. The orography, climate features and biodiversity of the region are briefly described, stressing the linkage to the Mediterranean culture and History, namely the Mediterranean ways of coping with nature. The Cultural Landscapes of Mediterranean Diet are herein defined and presented. Current challenges, in times of climate change and in the Information Era, are discussed and illustrated with concrete examples, whenever adequate.
Module 2: Food Heritage and Gastronomy. This module is focus on the food pattern, which has been used as a case study of a healthy and sustainable diet, and as a worldwide inspiration for dietary guidelines and recently designed diets. On one side, it is necessary to preserve the fragile equilibrium that is the true MD. On the other side, some features of the MD can be implemented else where with benefits for all, as the eating pattern or the reconnection of urban populations with the paces of nature. Thus, the food pattern and lifestyle will be herein reviewed: from the health and nutritional point of view, highlighting the balance and frugality of Mediterranean eating habits; from the environmental point of view – highlighting the variety and biodiversity of foods; and from the culinary point of view – for the wide spectrum of flavors, textures, and colors of Mediterranean foods.
Module 3: Cultural Heritage and Tourism. In this module a non-exhaustive inventory of the richness of the Mediterranean is presented highlighting the most prominent features of the participating regions, according to the criteria of the recognition by international organizations as well as relevant to the Mediterranean Diet concept.The list of notorious Natural Sites, Outstanding Geoparks, Cultural Landscapes and Intangible Heritage elements is enormous, and would be endless if not restricted to the above-mentioned criteria. The conventions, treaties, and organizations relevant to the tourism sector are herein listed, with corresponding links to allow retrieving more and customized information. Finally, a condensed description of relevant features of each region, including touristic sites (e.g. natural parks, rural landscapes or monumental cities) and some festivities, local markets and celebrations. The traditional festivities, based on celebrating harvest seasons, may perhaps help connecting urban populations to the pace of nature, while some reinvented festivals revamp ancient culinary arts and crafts. Ancient peculiar customs are also registered across all the Mediterranean basin and may contribute to reinforce the pride in local culture by highlighting it.
The course is available at the Regione Emilia-Romagna Federated E-Learning System and the potential user must request the access credentials by writing an email to: mdnet@ regione.emilia-romagna.it
To access the course the following procedure must be followed:
Step 1: click on https://www.self-pa.net/
Step 2: click on the orange box «Pubblica amministrazione»
Step 3: insert username and password provided by Helpdesk@self-pa.net via email
Step 4: browse the course module and answer to the module quiz
Step 5: get a final badge after having completed the three quizzes
You can ask general support for the course to the email: mdnet@ For technical support contact: Helpdesk@self-pa.net regione.emilia-romagna.it.
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