The Renewable Energy Community project participated in EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2019 in Brussels, Belgium.
During the EUSEW was organized the Renewable Energy Community EUSEW Side Event, June 18th, Climate Alliance Ii was a very good opportunity for the project to disseminate all the good practices and initiatives to an important audience. Thanks to our invited speakers a significant discussion took place. Just to thank once again our special guests Moderator. Miguel Morcillo – Climate Alliance, Speakers: Dr. Lučka Bogataj- IPCC and GCOS, Feilim O’Connor European Commission ENER, New Energy Technologies, Mr. Carsten Rothballer – ICLEI,Mr. Andres Sanabria – OECD-Rural Policy Unit Mr. Patrick Biard – AUVERGNERHONE ALPES EE – FEDAREN. The question was and the main topic How can be boost ETU as a roadmap to energy transition in rural and island areas in Mediterranean. Also participated the Modulars projects of our community.
Our Project leader gave a brief greeting and then Dr. Cynthia Echave- BCNecologia (our Spain partner) analyze the opportunity of th innovative idea of our community based on the creation of Ecosystemic Transition Units as a new denomination of a figure for energy transition implementation at local level, which its aim is to boost territorial development in Mediterranean Region making a special focus in rural and islands areas. Also, we presented the results of the regional consultations as Policy recommendations from Renewable Energy MED Community to key stakeholders, with the purpose of obtaining their feedback, suggestions and support to the initiative. An open discussion follows up of our distinguished guests with a variety of comments and suggestions. It was really a very interesting discussion and we all achieved significant results. Also, our partners Alexia Boulanger and Jennifer Shaw- Taberlet contribue in the all discussion. In the end at the Cocktail the discussion continued with great interest.
Photo Gallery for EUSEW 2019 can be found here: http://bit.ly/2LRbwgN
Policy Paper Process: Econsystemic Transition Units in PDF: http://bit.ly/32pbqCN
Youtube video of the Presentation of Ecosystemic Transition Unit: https://youtu.be/7WmT6X3-dac
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