EYR 2021 conference at CoR

Co-organised by the CoR, East Poland House and Polish rail operator PKP, the conference brought together local and regional authorities, sectoral stakeholders and EU institutions. The importance of close cooperation between all levels of governance and sectoral stakeholders for the shift to rail objectives set out under the EU Green Deal and in the context of the European Year of Rail 2021 (EYR 2021) was underscored from the outset by Marie-Antoinette MAUPERTUIS (FR/EA), second Vice-President of the CoR’s COTER Commission. The focus on regional rail was particularly welcomed in particular by Alberto Mazzola, Executive Director of the Community of European Railways (CER), who called for regional rail to be more prominently addressed at EU level, recalling that most passenger rail journeys in the EU are made at local and regional level.

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