Events – YES! EUSDR. Youth – Entrepreneurship – Science – 26 June 2019, Bucharest, Romania

Business environment is specified by a high innovation tempo, the use of cross-sector technologies and changes in the labour market.
Basis for doing successful business is to combine knowledge on the market with unique solutions, generated by scientific work. Entrepreneurial education needs to be included in curricula of much more universities.
YES! EUSDR is designed as dialogue for planning further actions to foster entrepreneurship among youth. As official side event to Annual Forum of EU Strategy for Danube Region under the presidency of Romania, YES! EUSDR is established as platform for discussing tools and programs which empower young people to get engaged in entrepreneurship by reinforcing their high-level and transversal competences.
Stakeholders and decision makers from education institutions, public administration and private business meet in order to initiate solutions for knowledge based entrepreneurship.

Registration for the Forum is open since early April untill 18 of June 2019 at this link.

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