Events – Workshop on adaptation measures for Climate Change and Health in Europe – 24 September 2019, Brussels, Belgium

The Group of Chief Scientific Advisors (GCSA) provides the College of Commissioners with independent scientific advice on specific policy issues. Their Scientific Opinions are informed by evidence reviews. The GCSA intends to develop an Opinion on the topic of climate change-related health impacts in Europe. The Opinion will focus on adaptation measures, which could effectively strengthen the resilience of the European health in view of climate change, with special regard to vulnerable groups, regions and the urban environment, considering specifically impacts from vector-borne infectious diseases and the combined effect of climate change (especially heat waves) and air pollution.

The workshop is a second workshop on the theme « Adaption to impacts of Climate Change on Health”. These workshops are organised in order to solicit expert knowledge to support the writing on a scientific opinion on the topic. In a first workshop, the different impacts from climate change on health were analysed. In this second workshop, the aim is to focus more specifically on possible adaptation measures, rather than the impacts themselves. Insights from a preliminary review of literature will be discussed with key experts in the field, with the Advisors responsible for the opinion and with representatives of relevant Commission services.

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