Events – Synergies between Horizon 2020 and the European Structural and Investment Funds: downstream combination for Climate action, Environment, Resource efficiency and Raw Materials – 18 January 2018, Brussels, Belgium

Setting the scene Research and Innovation (R&I) is an important feature of the Cohesion Policy that has been placed as the first of its 11 thematic objectives. The European Commission consistently promotes synergies between Horizon 2020 and the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) however, there are still limited examples.

This workshop is set up by DG Research and Innovation in collaboration with DG REGIO and EASME with a view to explore how to combine funding on an operational level and how these complementarities and synergies can be facilitated. It focuses on the Societal Challenge 5 Work Programme – Environment, Climate Action, Resource efficiency and Raw Materials – to discuss and explore concrete synergies between H2020 and ESIF in the downstream sequential combination that enables the exploitation of the Research and Innovation results at national/regional level.

The workshop will take place at DG RTD, Champs de Mars 21, Brussels, Belgium.

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