Events – Strategies for enhancing climate adaptation in European cities and their infrastructures – 23 November 2017, Brussels, Belgium

Preliminary results of the Horizon 2020 project RESIN (Resilient cities and infrastructures) will be discussed. In a panel setting with participation of DG Research, a city representative, researchers and eminent members of the scientific advisory group, the policy relevance of RESIN outcomes will be investigated.

Topics to be discussed include a European city climate risk typology, standardized climate risk assessments for European cities, the role of standardization in urban adaptation in general, and co-creation in urban adaptation.

The RESIN project focuses on the integration of critical infrastructure within the overall adaptation of cities to climate change in Europe. It brings together 17 partners from 8 different European countries, experienced in urban resilience and climate change.

The heart of the RESIN approach lies in the co-creation between the partner cities and the research institutes developing the products of the project. Panel members include: Diogo de Gusmao Soerensen (DG RTD), Irena Gabrielaitiene (EASME)Birgit Georgi (RESIN Advisory board, former EEA), Matt Ellis (City of Manchester), Jeremy Carter, Efren Feliu, Erich Rome (RESIN).

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