We are pleased to invite you to join us to the SESAME Final International Workshop at the NRG site in Petten, the Netherlands.
This international workshop is the final event of the Horizon 2020 European Research Project SESAME (thermal hydraulics Simulations and Experiments for the Safety Assessment of Metal cooled reactors).
The aim of this event is to disseminate the main achievements of the project among the international nuclear community and to foster the exchange of the newest scientific and technical results between researchers and experts.
The workshop will focus on thermal hydraulic aspects of liquid metal cooled reactors. In particular, it will cover: Temperature Fluctuations Mechanical Vibrations Core Thermal Hydraulics Pool Thermal Hydraulics System Thermal Hydraulics Best Practice Guidelines and Validation & Verification
The participation fee for the workshop is 300 euro. For partners of the SESAME project the event is free.
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