Events – SECOND ARCTIC SCIENCE MINISTERIAL – 25-26 October 2018, Berlin, Germany.

The European Commission, Finland and Germany will co-host the 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial on 25-26 October 2018 in Berlin, Germany.

The aims of this 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial meeting are to:

    • Increase capacity to respond to major societal challenges in the Arctic,
    • Encourage further scientific cooperation among a large number of countries and representatives of indigenous peoples.

The 1st Arctic Science Ministerial, hosted by the White House in 2016, brought together science ministers from 24 governments, the European Union and delegates from Arctic Indigenous peoples’ organisations. Their discussions centred on collective efforts to step up international scientific cooperation in the Arctic. As the 1st, the 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial is not an Arctic Council event. However, Finland is chairing the Arctic Council from May 2017 to May 2019. This guarantees strong links between the Ministerial and the Arctic Council. All the delegations present at the 1st Ministerial will be invited, as will be other governments engaging in Arctic science. The participation of indigenous Arctic communities is a priority.

What’s on the agenda on 25 and 26 October 2018?

On Day 1 an Arctic Science Conference will showcase the latest achievements as regards the deliverables agreed for each thematic area defined by the first Ministerial. The discussion will focus on scientific advances in the deliverables, and on the commitment needed in future. It will be open to a wide range of Arctic stakeholders, policymakers, NGOs and media. The conference will be followed by an evening reception. These discussions will prepare the ground for Day 2. The Ministerial day will bring together government ministers, other national delegates and a few invited speakers. The main objectives are to release a Joint Statement, issue a report on initiatives taken over the preceding 2 years and an updated list of deliverables that will generate results over the next few years.

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