Events – Science Café with Lukáš Tóth: Information flow in the times of COVID-19 – 2 April 2020, Online

Czech Liaison Office for Research, Development and Innovation (CZELO) and its partners are pleased to invite you to the Science Café with Lukáš Tóth, an unconventional open discussion, this time exceptionally held online, focused on the topic of information flow in times of COVID-19. Regular flow of information has been disrupted. Reality and public expectations are changing on a daily basis. Reaction-time pressure creates an unseen urgency. Governments of the world stand in front of an immense task: how to optimize and prioritize public information so that it has the desired impact? COVID19-related fake stories and official measures have emerged around the globe. Science Café is a forum for discussion of current work and interesting scientific issues. It aims to be informal and accessible. Anyone can participate; speaker is there to be questioned and to talk about his work.
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