Events – S2R Information Day – Open Call for proposals 2018 – 12 December 2017, The Egg, Bara Street 175, 1070 Brussels, Belgium

Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking is organising the S2R Information Day – Open Call for proposals 2018, which will take place next 12th of December 2017 in the Egg, Congress & Meeting Centre in Brussels.
The Information Day will provide an overview of the Shift2Rail Research & Innovation Programme, focusing in particular on the upcoming funding opportunities under the umbrella of the Horizon 2020 Programme.

Who should attend?

Interested companies and research organisations that are meeting Horizon 2020 eligibility criteria and who wish to carry out collaborative research and innovation projects in the area of the railway transports.

S2R will confirm your participation by e-mail, which will grant access to the event.

Do not hesitate: register now!

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