This conference is organized jointly by the partners of the projects Quantum Sorter – A new Measurement Paradigm in Electron Microscopy (H2020-FETOPEN) with the support of Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen Recent developments in the spatial and temporal shaping of electron beams are on the verge of technological commercialisation, where they would provide routes towards image-resolution enhancement and novel microscopy techniques.
Most of these methods, such as passive and dynamic wave packet modulation, as well as structured light-matter interaction, are inspired by their optical counterpart and have now been explored in transmission electron microscopy. However, other schemes exist, inspired by quantum optics, such as so-called “interaction-free” methods, optimal quantum state tomography, and computational ghost imaging, which may be implemented in electron microscopy.
All these new methods hold the promise of improving the imaging of dose-sensitive specimens. The Q-SORT International Conference on Quantum Imaging and Electron Beam Shaping aims to gather experts from the fields of electron and laser beam shaping, free-space electron optics, and related sub-fields of quantum mechanics.
Participants will present and share their latest discoveries and innovations.
This meeting will be one of the first of its kind: it is thus uniquely positioned, since luminaries and pioneers from all the above research fields will be present. They will have the possibility to closely interact and exchange ideas for new, interdisciplinary collaborations.
Q-SORT has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 766970 Q-SORT (H2020-FETOPEN-1-2016-2017)
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