Events – PECUNIA Satellite Workshop – registration open – 17 July 2019, Basel, Switzerland

The H2020 project PECUNIA (ProgrammE in Costing, resource use measurement and outcome valuation for Use in multi-sectoral National and International health economic evaluAtions) is organising an interactive workshop on validating the methodological approach developed in the course of the project and on drawing up a roadmap for the further work plan. Health economists with interest and expertise in economic evaluations and costing studies are invited to join this Satellite Workshop.

PECUNIA is a collaborative effort to develop standardised multi-sectoral costing and outcome assessment methods and tools for health economic evaluations that are harmonized across different countries and economic sectors.

It aims to tackle the healthcare challenges of an ever-growing and rapidly ageing population in the EU by developing new standardised, harmonised and validated methods and tools for the assessment of costs and outcomes in European healthcare systems.

Comparing and exploiting data across different countries and sectors, PECUNIA aims to provide direct comparable solutions to improve chronic and mental healthcare in all EU health systems.

Programme and registration for the workshop:

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