The workshop aims to provide a kaleidoscopic view of the latest research, treatments, and ways forward towards better understanding and being able to cure Parkinson’s disease. The workshop aims to moreover look at how greater funding could enable such steps forward, both clinically and politically – especially in light of negotiations on the upcoming research framework programme, Horizon Europe. Finally, the session will also explore the possible links between toxins (herbicides and pesticides) with the disease.
Parkinson’s is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder having no known cause, typically with onset later in life. Prevalence in the 60-69-year-old population is estimated to be approximately 1.0%, rising to 2.7% in those over 80. There are more than one million people living with Parkinson’s today in Europe; with an ageing population this figure is forecast to double by 2030. The condition is characterised by difficulty in moving and tremor, as well as psychiatric issues. It leads to a progressive reduction in the quality of life and those affected require increasing care. This imposes a significant socioeconomic burden which currently amounts to €13.9 billion of healthcare expenditure annually.
This workshop is jointly organised by Member of the European Parliament Pavel Poc (S&D Group), the European Chemical Society (EuChemS), and the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC).
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