Events – Low Emission Development Strategies around the World: Linking climate action and sustainable development based on the experience of two EU-funded projects – 27 September 2019, Brussels, Belgium

This conference will bring together stakeholders, policy experts and two ground-breaking EU-funded projects that have been working in this area to present the project results and discuss implications for climate, energy and development policies.

CD-LINKS is a H2020 project focused on linking climate and development policies. It has brought together leading institutes from G20 countries and beyond to improve the global knowledge base, strengthen the global research network and reinforce each country’s capacity to build global and national low emission pathways.

Africa-LEDS has been working with 7 African countries on Low Emission Development Strategies. It focuses on working with policymakers to demonstrate how NDC implementation can contribute to socioeconomic priorities.

Venue: Borschette Conference Centre (Room 3A), Brussels

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