Events – Info day Innovative, reflective and Inclusive Societies – WP 2020 update – 5 November 2019, Brussels, Belgium

The European Commission will organise an Information Day to inform potential applicants about the Societal Challenge 6 Work Programme-“Innovative, reflective and Inclusive Societies” and its funding opportunities.

This information day is an opportunity for attendees to get some insight into the Societal Challenge 6 calls for proposals of Horizon 2020, for the Work Programme of 2020, covering challenges on Migration, Socio-economic transformations and Governance.

Speakers will discuss policy and will give advice and tips on preparing and submitting proposals, and on the financial aspects of funding.

There will also be a chance to network and meet potential partners as well as to see examples of previously funded projects.

The deadline for the registrations is 18 October 2019.
Please apply by sending an email to

For a complete registration we would like to send us the following:
• Full name
• Phone number
• Email address
• A copy of your ID or passport (valid until the day of the event)
• Name of the organisation you work

A confirmation of your participation in the Info Days event will be sent to you by 20 October.

Venue: Centre de conference Albert Borschette (CCAB), Meeting room: 1/D
Rue Froissart 36, 1050 Brussels

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