The “INDustrial TECHnologies – Innovative industries for smart growth conference” will give stakeholders the opportunity to discuss the future of EU industry and related EU’s research & innovation activities.
The event will combine keynote presentations, discussions, a matchmaking event, fish-bowls, world cafés and an exhibition on new industrial applications for research on Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing.
Plenary sessions with great political impact on the industrial landscape will be followed by parallel sessions in three main pillars:
1) Technologies for sustainable growth
2) Innovative Industry for citizens
3) Ecosystem and framing conditions
Seize the opportunity to meet experts from industry, research and public authorities from more than 30 countries in Europe and across the globe!
• Jean-Eric Paquet, Director General, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation.
• Bertrand Piccard, Chairman Solar Impulse Foundation
• Ariane Thomas, Head of Strategic development Operations L’OREAL and Member High Level Industry 2030 EU Roundtable
• Lucyna Woźniak, Vice rector for Science and International Affairs and Head of Department at Medical University of Lodzand member of the Lamy group
The winner of the € 3 million Horizon Prize on Materials for Clean Air will be announced at the conference.
This Prize will award the best material solution to improve air quality in cities.
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