This event brings together the most innovative European hydrogen initiatives in the transport sector.
On Friday 22 September 2017 sector experts will share the latest learnings from the FCH JU funded HyFIVE and H2ME 1 & 2 projects and demonstrate hydrogen technology as the solution to advancing the EU’s air quality and green agenda.
The morning part of the event will be dedicated to the HyFIVE final conference including conclusions from the project and discussions on the benefits of zero-emission hydrogen technology in project regions.
This will give participants the chance to find out how hydrogen technology is closely linked to the EU’s air quality and green agenda and will highlight next steps beyond the project.
In the afternoon, a roundtable hosted by the H2ME project will take place, hosting a discussion about how hydrogen and fuel cell technology (HFC) can support the EU’s decarbonisation goals and how to address the remaining barriers to uptake of HFC technologies in the transport sector.
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