Events – German Presidency conference “Revitalising Democracy in Times of Division”: call for posters – 28 October 2020, Bonn, Germany

Do you study democracy—its various forms and dimensions? Want to share your insights on the challenges facing democracy today, and help raise awareness of potential new solutions?

As part of the upcoming German EU-Council Presidency conference “Revitalising Democracy in Times of Division —The Role of Social Sciences and Humanities”, the organisers invite the submission of posters of currently running projects on democracy, social divisions, or social cohesion to be showcased during a dedicated poster and project exhibition held during the conference. Projects of selected posters will be invited to briefly present their research during the afternoon plenary session on 28 October, and to further share the outcomes of their research during the exhibition. Deadline for submission of posters is 15 May 2020.

Questions? Contact the conference organisation team at

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