The GEMM project (Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration and Markets) is having its final policy conference in Paris on the 26th of October, CENTRE DE CONFERENCES EDOUARD VII – PARIS OPERA, 23 square Edouard VII, 75009 Paris, Sydney room.
The project delivers an assessment of labour market inequalities of migrants and minorities in Europe. We especially focus on highly skilled migrants to Europe, who do not always find jobs in which their skills are used most effectively. By understanding the drivers of these inequalities and determining how institutional factors account for differences between countries, we provide recommendations of great practical and policy relevance. We achieve our goals through using different research methods – experiments, in-depth interviews and statistical analyses of existing data – and through considering different determinants – individual, contextual and institutional. We are thus able to compare integration processes and outcomes over different countries in Europe, and highlight the factors that help to successfully integrate migrants and minorities in the host country labour market – to the benefit of both minorities and the majority population.
The policy event will concentrate on the body of policy-relevant work produced during the course of the project. For more information and project registration, please, contact Marco Mangiantini (GEMM project administrator): mm18758@essex.ac.uk.
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