Events – Final conference of the Horizon 2020 CarbonNext Project – 4 July 2018, Brussels

CarbonNext evaluates the potential use of CO2/CO as carbon-feedstock for the process industry in Europe. After two years of intensive work, the project consortium wants to share the major outcomes and results with an interested audience. The CarbonNext final conference will have speakers from industry, academia as well as policy makers from the European Commission. Industrial representatives will show the relevance and transfer of scientific results and industrial needs and discuss ecological challenges and the economic potential behind the identified opportunities.
Learn more about the whole carbon value chain – from mapping of CO/CO2 all over Europe, identified processes and products where alternative carbon sources can be used – and get intouch with an interdisciplinary network of CCU stakeholders. The CarbonNext consortium is looking forward to welcoming you at its final conference!

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