Events – EU for facts – JRC Annual Conference – 28 September 2017, Brussels

Interactions between science and policy under the lens

Clear recommendations for successful evidence-informed policy making are the aim for the 2017 Joint Research Centre (JRC) annual conference. It will offer an open encounter between leading experts from the fields of science, policy and communication.

The programme features around 26 speakers divided between 2 sessions:

1) Why should we trust science?

2) Re-designing policymaking using behavioural and decision science.

Each session is split between audio-visual content, panelists discussions and presentations. Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Chair of European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism and former Head of CERN will be among them.

The event also includes a video and poster competition covering research on evidence based policy making gathered through a crowd-sourcing call before the conference. This conference will also be an opportunity to visits the JRC@60 exhibition.

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