The European Commission’s Scientific Panel for Health (SPH) is a science-led expert group based on the provisions of the Horizon 2020 Specific Programme, which is tasked with helping to achieve better health and wellbeing for all.
The Panel’s main roles are to provide foresight and overall vision and strategy, as well as, to identify bottlenecks to innovation and propose solutions in the area of health and biomedical research.
Based on interactions with stakeholders during conferences and workshops, the Scientific Panel for Health set out a vision for the future of health and biomedical research in two consensus documents: ‘Better Research for Better Health’ in 2016, and a proposal ‘Building the Future of Health Research’ in 2018. Both documents are available through the SPH website.
From further stakeholders’ consultation important topics were identified that will be the focus of the next forum to be organized with the European Commission on May 6, 2019 in Brussels: ‘Enabling health equality in Europe – the role of health research’.
The forum explores the current situation, barriers in participation and engagement with health research, and ways forward.
The SPH wishes to build an ambitious future for health research in Europe.
The forum with the European Commission is an opportunity to participate in the debate to which you are warmly invited.
The full program will be published shortly, but please, already save the date in your agenda.
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