Are you curious to know how integrating immigrants can contribute to the revitalisation of historic centres? Do you want to discover the benefits of an inclusive and adaptive re-use of built heritage? Then come to the “Cultural and creative cities for all” workshop, which will highlight the importance of inclusive cultural activities for wellbeing, health, social cohesion, competitiveness and to decrease public expenditure.
Case studies and EU R&I projects will showcase innovative solutions tested by cities and regions to empower people with special needs, minorities, the young and the elderly to fully access heritage sites and join creative activities. Speakers include high level panellists, representatives from the Committee of the Regions and the European Commission:
• Babette Winter, State Secretary for Europe and Culture in the Thuringia State Chancellery
• Catherine Cullen, H2020 High Level Expert Group on ‘Innovating cities’ and Special Advisor on Culture in Sustainable Cities, UCLG – and
• Pierluigi Sacco, DG EAC special adviser and Full professor of Cultural Economics, International University of Languages and Literatures –IULM- Milan and Senior Researcher at metaLAB, Harvard University
• Barbara Stacher, DG EAC
• H2020 CLIC, H2020 RURITAGE and Europeana projects
The seminar is organised in the frame of the Knowledge Exchange Platform (KEP), a concept jointly developed by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission (DG RTD). It is aimed at presenting new R&I solutions, innovative products and best practices in response to societal challenges facing the regions and cities of Europe.
Registration is open. (click on the “Add session” button at the end of the page)
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