Events – COST Connect – Quantum: Where will the next jump go? – 8 March 2018, Warsaw, Poland

“Quantum: Where will the next jump go?” will be an open space for participants to discuss the importance of quantum technology and research.

With increasing global interest in exploiting quantum technologies, the COST Connect event will provide networking opportunities that link active researchers with representatives from the Quantum sector and EU stakeholders.

The COST Connect Event “Quantum: Where will the next jump go?” will be a highly interactive event that will bring together stakeholders working within the Quantum Science field. The event will provide best support to priorities identified by the different participants and will help to:
– Support the cooperation of COST Actions’ stakeholders working in the area of Quantum Science and Technology.
– Fight against dispersion of resources and fragmentation of research activities
– Promote synergies with activities funded through other EU programmes
– Promote joint activities including propositions for H2020 (flagships) open calls
– Promote networking for relevant partnerships
– Improve the involvement of young researchers, female researchers and scientists working in countries which are currently underrepresented in the topic.

The event is by invitation. Further information about this COST Connect event can be requested via from Ralph Stübner, Fatima Bouchama, Lucia Forzi, COST Science Officers, and Elke Dall, COST Policy

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