Events – Closing webinar of the Scientific Panel for Health – ‘Recommendations for health research in Europe – Design for Impact’ – 13 July 2020, Online

The Scientific Panel for Health, SPH, was established under Horizon 2020 as ‘a science-led stakeholder platform which elaborates scientific input, [expected to] provide a coherent scientific focused analysis of research and innovation bottlenecks and opportunities related to [health], contribute to the definition of [its] research and innovation priorities, and encourage Union-wide scientific participation’

Under its mandate, the SPH has organized conferences and workshops with stakeholders to formulate recommendation on how European health research could be made more impactful and contribute to better health.

The aim of this webinar is to present and discuss the SPH recommendations for health research in Europe, as developed in SPH events with extensive stakeholder engagement during the SPH’s mandate of the past 5 years.

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