The European Clean Air Forum will provide a basis for structured dialogues, exchange of knowledge and good practices, and enhance capacity of relevant stakeholders to improve air quality. It aims to reflect on the development of policies, projects and programmes in the context of air pollution and air quality, and facilitate the implementation of European, national and local air policies.
The Clean Air Forum will focus on three themes: air quality in cities; agriculture and air quality and clean air business opportunities. The conference itself will thus bring together experts on the above topics as well as decision-makers and stakeholders in a two-day conference.
In this occasion, information will be spread about: the H2020 funded projects LOWBRASYS – on particle emissions from brakes and their reduction – PEMS4NANO, Sureal23 and DOWN2TEN – on understanding and measurement of particles below the current 23 nanometres and development of a PEMS system; and on the two RTD Horizon Prizes for Retrofit and Clean Engine of the Future.
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