Events – Carbon Capture and Utilisation Technologies – Technological status, environmental impacts, and policy developments. – 17 September 2018, Brussels, Belgium

Elvira Fortunato, member of the EC’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors will be part of a panel discussion about Carbon Capture and Utilisation to present the findings and recommendation of the Group scientific opinion on the matter.

The panel will be composed of leading experts in the field of CCU from the side of academia, industry and policy, and will lead to discussions on topics such as current and future potential for CCU technologies in the EU, industry and research efforts, policy implications, links to EU climate objectives, energy issues, and impacts on other technologies (such as electrification, hydrogen, and renewables).

You are also welcome to share this invitation with other interested parties.

Conference venue

Centre Albert Borschette

rue Froissard 36, 1049 Brussels

Meeting room: 0. D.

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