Events – Boosting Innovation through standards – Your gateway to the market – 13 November 2019, Brussels, Belgium

A major European Conference: Boosting Innovation Through Standards (‘Your Gateway To The Market’) as an action of the EC co-funded project BRIDGIT.

This is a high-level 1-day event with the intention to gather 350+ participants, predominantly from the research and innovation community to further strength interfaces and connections between innovators and researchers and the standardization community.

The overall aim of this engagement is boosting the uptake of innovation and research outcomes by the market, using standardization as enabler.

Objectives of the event: Connecting with Research and Innovation community, particularly those not involved or familiar with standards
– evangelizing and changing perceptions
– confirm the understanding that standards can be used successfully for the dispersal of knowledge, scaling of innovation, etc.
– clarifying the standards creation and ways to engage, tools and benefits

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