The project works are being held by means of a co-creation and co-ownership framework among the organisations involved, including Universities and research centres, developers of forecasting techniques, national, regional and local emergency management authorities, and also technological companies (both industry and SMEs).
The developments achieved include operational platforms for decision-support currently running operationally in real-time in 7 pilot sites across Europe. The platforms integrate state-of-the-art forecasting products for a variety of hazards (floods, flash-floods, snowfall, convective storms, severe winds, heatwaves, forest wildfires, droughts, marine storms, among others). After four years of working collaboratively, the project Consortium wants to showcase the major outcomes to an interested audience.
The Final Conference will include a Hands-on demonstration and the Final workshop. Round tables to promote discussion among participants plus parallel live exhibits showing the ANYWHERE tools and impact forecasting products / services will also be included.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at the Final Conference!
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