Events – A Future for All to INHERIT: Taking Action Now – 10 December 2019, Brussels, Belgium

Around the world, parallel environmental and societal crises are unfolding on an unprecedented scale, posing great threats to human health, well-being and our very existence. Time is running out. We need to take action now to ensure that these times of crises are the opportunity for a socially-just transition to a more sustainable future for all.

Join us on 10 December for key insights on:
• How the new European Commission and Parliament will deliver integrated measures for more sustainable, healthier and equitable societies;
• How EU Member States are achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through a whole-of-government approach;
• How municipalities across Europe and beyond are implementing concrete, innovative solutions for sustainable change;
• Whether “growth” can be sustainable environmentally, socially, and economically.

We welcome you to debate with conference speakers, discuss how to enable behaviour change for more sustainable futures, and apply the learnings from the 4-year EU H2020 research project, INHERIT.

VENUE: KVS-Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg | Royal Flemish Theatre Rue de Laeken 146 | Lakensestraat 146, 1000 Brussels

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