European Week Of Regions and Cities 2018: LOCATIONS contribution on climate change

“Temperatures are rising. The Earth is losing its sea ice. Intensive heat waves and droughts are affecting our daily lives. We are heading towards difficult times. But with things changing at such a massive scale, we cannot simply let it happen. We need to do our share to alleviate the problem.”

This is the intense beginning of the sand art performance made by artist Nadia Ischia on October 10th at European Week Of Regions and Cities 2018 in Brussels during the event “Interreg Talks: 6 projects, 1 slam”, organised by Interact Programme.

“Interreg Talks” are a series of events aimed at promoting innovative communication approaches related to capitalisation of Interreg results. The aim of the “Interreg Talks” is to demonstrate how Interreg works and how its cooperation model could be transferred to other areas and funds.

The Locations performance describes in a disruptive way the values at the base of Locations and its mission to mitigate the impact of cruise tourism on mobility.

Watch the live performance.

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