ETU initiative flagship call

The aim of the ETU Flagship Call is to establish partnerships with rural and island communities that would become examples of implementing the ETU model, whilst addressing at least one of our principles:

  • Ecological response to the climate crisis
  • Territorial equity
  • Social innovation
  • Green economy
  • Cooperation and commitment 

The selected flagship cases will address as well at least two of the pillars of the ETU model: energy planning, energy facilities, energy community, energy governance.

The ETU Flagship Cases will be selected from across the territories represented by the regional groups. In return for their voluntary collaboration, the chosen cases will receive technical support from experts from the Interreg MED Renewable Energy Community. Experts will adapt the ETU tools and methodologies to the interests of each case, supporting participants in becoming leaders in the energy transition. As well as this valuable support, as example cases of the ETU model, the flagship cases will receive visibility at the regional, national and EU level, whilst bringing them unique networking opportunities. 

How to apply?

Download and complete the documents below, and send these to

  • Application Form
  • Summary fiche
  • Annex 1: Public information of the project or plan to commit the ETU Flagship
  • Annex 2: Complementary information about the location or applicants

Application documents and further information can be found here:

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