Covid-19, what happens to EU events?

The European Maritime Day is postponed (date unknown) and the European Green Week (1-5 June) is under consideration. On the contrary, the European Sustainable Energy Week (22 – 26 June) is maintained, as well as the European Regions Week (12-15 October), whose new deadline to become a partner is now delayed to 17 April 2020.


As to the campaign #EUinmyRegion, flexibility is advised. The EU Commission recommends postponing all local events until September, but to maintain all other activities with no risk of infection (photo competition, web quizzes…) as previously planned.


Keep you updated on all events here: Interreg.



European Maritime Days – POSTPONED

European Maritime Days, previously planned for 14-15 May 2020 (Cork, Ireland), is postponed to an unknown date. PELAGOS had been cast to participate as an Interreg Joint stand.

The agenda includes:

       Opening session with the European Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius

       5 EU policy sessions on sustainable Blue Economy and Green Deal

       20 maritime stakeholders’ workshops


The EMD Team is «currently looking into possible alternative dates later in the year».

Stay updated: 



Preparations for the EU Green Week (1-5 June, Brussels) are continuing as planned, with careful monitoring of the Covid-19 outbreak.

World cafe, lightning talks, fishbowls, interactive sessions: the programme will focus on biodiversity in this broader ecological crisis. It will call for urgent action and explore possible pathways for change. 


European Sustainable Energy week – MAINTAINED

The EU Sustainable Energy week (22-26 June, Brussels) is maintained. The EUSEW’s activities are meant to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables and energy efficiency.

The SHERPA project will provide the Interreg MED contribution in a session about the EU sustainable energy agenda and European Green Deal session.


European Week of Regions and Cities – MAINTAINED

The EU Regions Week (12-15 October, Brussels) is maintained. Good news: the new deadline to become a partner in the #EURegionsWeek is 17 April 2020. Interreg programmes and projects are called to apply for a stand individually but will be automatically part of the Cooperation Village.

EU Regions talks, workshops, participatory labs, exhibition stands, regional tasting and more will be held. The topics of this year will be Green Europe, Cohesion and Cooperation, Empowering Citizens, Focus on Interreg.


EU in my Region

As far as the #EUinmyRegion campaign, increased flexibility is granted. The recommendation is to postpone all local events to September and consequently their media communication and to maintain only the activities with no risks of infection (photo competition, web quizzes…). If regions or Member States decide to hold events in May, the recommendation is to make ex-ante risk assessments in cooperation with the competent health authorities.

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