Covid-19 test refund – Check out our support to Mediterranean regions

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced several projects’ partners to change their plans and activities, or worse canceling them, causing consequences both at economic and, most importantly, social level. 

The Interreg MED Programme has been committed in finding the best solutions to cope with the distrupted activities and emerged issues. 

A new factsheet of the Programme Manual – Eligibility of Expenditure, Annex Covid-19 – has been updated to follow the development of the prevention measures. Beside some minor changes, the main one is about the refund of the tests for the virological screening of the Covid-19 for the beneficiaries of the projects, which are eligible if not refundable by other means. 

More information can be found in the factsheet : Eligibility of expenditure, Annex Covid 19.
In case of doubt do not hesitate to contact your Project Officer at the Joint Secretariat. 

Stay safe & sound!

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