The appointment is at 9.00 am in Ragusa, at the conference room of the aforesaid Public Authorithy, where some experts of national and international fame in the field of olive oil, will entertain the participants with interventions aimed at the health aspects of the excellent nourishment of the Mediterranean kitchen, at the sensorial analysis systems, supply chain and product quality, as well as at the methods applied to the study of the consumer preferences.
During the morning, an interesting Round Table will follow, entitled: “The tomorrow of the Evo Oil: from the Cluster to the innovative production” ,conducted by Giuseppe Cicero, Chief Panel Agronomist, on the thematic study of the Cluster Aristoil, a network of Mediterranean cooperating countries for the promotion of a method tested in the aforementioned Project for the analysis of polyphenols in olive oil. This is certainly an important opportunity for all the professionals in the olive oil field and for the participants in the Aristoil Project (which was recently ranked among the best Interreg Med community projects) to take stock of the situation, in view of the objectives and results to be consolidated in the near future. (D.F.)
Please pree here for the agenda.
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