Call for tenders: E-learning platform

In the framework of its role as Communication Work Package leader, UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities union is looking for a provider to design, develop, implement and maintain an e-learning platform to host the “Interreg MED Academy” from October 2021 to May 2022. 

The e-learning platform should be based on the latest stable version of Moodle software with possible integration with WordPress or Drupal as needed to improve the user experience both for the learners and admin/trainers. The platform should be designed to be responsive and fully accessible on mobile devices and it should also ensure the maximum security of the system against data breach and it should be compliant with the GDPR. 

>> Download the Terms of Reference here

// What is the “Interreg MED Academy

The Interreg MED Academy is a joint initiative of the eight Interreg MED Programme’s Horizontal Projects and Panoramed coordinated by UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union in its capacity of leader of the Communication Work Package of the Sustainable Tourism project.

The Interreg MED Academy main aim is to create an online learning opportunity to contribute shaping the next generation of Mediterranean leaders of sustainable and inclusive development. Therefore, the Interreg MED Academy will tackle the most strategic issues for an inclusive and sustainable future for the Mediterranean area as they are identified by the EU territorial cohesion strategy and by the Interreg MED projects themselves.

For each of these strategic issues, the horizontal projects will make the knowledge, resources, competences and tools developed by the Interreg MED Projects available in six stand-alone, though interconnected, learning modules. The modules will last between four to six weeks for a total learners’ workload of 10-20 hours each module. Modules will be structured around: video lectures, audio podcasts, reading suggestions, interactive exercises, self-directed activities, self-assessments, virtual exchanges, peer-evaluations, tutorship, live events and project works.

Every module will be coordinated by one partner organisation belonging to an Interreg MED thematic community that will take care of the educational coordination, the content production and of appointing the trainers, tutors, guest speakers and facilitators. Besides, UNIMED will provide the e-learning platform to host the courses and will assist the partners in the uploading of the educational contents and eventually it will provide technical assistance during the delivery of the modules.

// Key points to note

_ The purpose of this initiative is to deliver training to a large number of mid-level or top-level professionals from public and private sector spread over different regions of the Mediterranean area, both North and South shores.

_ As the Academy is a joint initiative gathering more than 10 partner organisations, the e-learning platform might be eventually transferred to a dedicated online space owned by the Interreg MED Programme, its interoperability needs to be ensured, in order to be easily transferable to other platforms operating with the same software, namely Moodle.

_ The Interreg MED Academy is based, even though not exclusively, on Open Educational Resources (OER), defined as teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions.

_ Several partner organisations and trainers will need to have access to the platform to upload the contents, to monitor the student engagement and to communicate with them. Therefore, the user interface on the backend must be intuitive and easy-to-use without any specific training.

// Budget

The total value of the contract (including any taxes and contributions) shall not exceed 20.000 EUR.

VAT exemption is applicable. For Italian providers, the VAT exemption is applicable according to the Article 72 of the Italian Law D.P.R. 633/72. Providers based in other countries must refer to the national legislation and indicate the applicable law. Any travel costs incurred while carrying out assignment(s) are covered directly by the provider.

>> Application procedure

Offers should include:

  • CVs of relevant staff members(s) who will directly design, develop, implement and maintain the e-learning platform;
  • reference projects;
  • a concept note describing the main features of the intervention and tools that will be used to accomplish the tasks described in this Terms of Reference (max 2 pages);
  • detailed financial offer for the implementation of the tasks.

Deadline for receipt of offers: 8 October 2021

Applications should be sent in English to:

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