BlueMed Hackathon “Ideas and solutions for a Healthy Plastic Free Mediterranean Sea”

The BlueMed Hackathon “Ideas and solutions for a Healthy Plastic Free Mediterranean Sea” is open for candidature!

The Hackathon is dedicated to 18-30 years old Master and PhD candidates or graduates in STEM disciplines, designer/creatives and marine science young professionals with no restriction on geographical origin. This team challenge will contribute to identify and propose solutions to plastic pollution and promote sustainable blue growth in the Mediterranean.

The BlueMed Hackathon will virtually start on May 18th; candidates have to fill out the online form at />bluemed before 10th May 2021. Winners will be announced during the Final Event in June 2021 and will get access to a training phase for the development of their project idea into a business plan to be presented during ECOMONDO Exhibition in October 2021. ECOMONDO (Rimini, Italy) is the most important event in Europe for technological and industrial innovation for circular economy and winners will have the chance to meet companies, investors and plan business with them.

Visit the website. 

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