Blue Economy call: €18.7 million available for funding

This call for proposals aims to accelerate the development and implementation of the EU Maritime Policy and the sustainable development of the blue economy across Europe. This general objective is further divided into specific objectives as described under each of the 3 topics that are part of this call for proposals. 

The 3 topics are:

You can receive up to 80% co-financing for you project (65% for Blue Economy topic). 

The call opened for submissions on 23 october 2018 and you can apply via the Funding and tender opportunities portal until 31/01/2019.

For more information:

Read the call document
See the infographic
Consult the Q&A section 

Information day

On November 22, the Blue Economy information day took place in Brussels. During the event, participants learned about eligibility, budget, submmisions and applications process. You can find presentations from the event here:


Topic 1: Blue labs

Topic 2: Blue careers

Topic 3: Grants for the blue economy


Watch the webstreamed video

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